Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Beige Man Meets Red Couch.
As a quilter, perhaps we have the opportunity to explore colour more than the average Joe. There are many books and teachings on colour theory, very strong opinions on what goes with what, and equally strong opinions on what does not. While I have read and understand many principles of colour theory, I don't often follow the rules. Not to be arrogant, in thinking I know more than they do, but because I seem to trust something inside myself, more than I do my knowledge of how to do it correctly. I am guessing, with further study, the reverse will happen, but for the here and now, I go with the gut.
I LOVE colour! I love bright, happy colours...and I like them right in yer face! My favorite quilts are those done in bright colours, particularly on black backgrounds...right in yer face! I can't get my ass out of the bright section in a fabric store, and Gawd forbid I leave behind a shade I don't have haunts me! I covet other peoples brights, I want them all ...desperately.
So how does a girl with neon vision cope in the everyday world? The world she must share with others void of her colour passions. The world were your house should be just like your neighbours and a lime green kitchen would set tongues waggin' faster than a dogs tail. She gets her fun where she can!
Imagine said girl, finding herself in a furniture colour little voices warning of a pending decorating faux pas...notta! What does she do....she buys the red couch...of course. Oh sure, there was the moment of hesitation.....a nice pear green number did give me a run for my money, a toss up to be sure...but I went with my gut, I chose the "in yer face" red.
Enter the Beige Man. Like I said, not everyone enjoys my passion for colour, and the Beige Man is about as far away on the colour spectrum as you can get. His world would be ....well beige....all beige. Light beige, dark beige, medium beige and on a daring day....very daring...alittle brown. He thinks Builder Beige has personality. I have spent much time erradicating it.
I neglected to tell Beige Man about red couch.
So, Beige Man comes home, from his beige office, in his beige car, wearing...what else...his beige pants and shirt....and meets red couch.
I thought there would be fireworks...and who doesn't love the colour of those! With baited breath, I waited to defend my choices, not that I felt I should have to, but all prepared just the same.....and then I heard it....I swear ta Gawd I heard it with mine own ears....
" I like it"
No obvious head outward signs that perhaps there were drugs or spirits on board....could it be? Beige Man likes red couch? I feel suddenly that I have been handed the keys to the Colour Kingdom...that my everyday world could be just as my quilt world! Can you just imagine!
I am going to test that theory...slowly....I'll let ya know!


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