Is This The Kinda Day It's Gonna Be?
I wish I could say it was dark when I got dressed this morning...but it wasn't. I was not especially hurried or frazzled, no distractions really. I wasn't wearing my glasses tho...now there is a good excuse...right?
And not bad enough that I put on two different shoes....I walked around for 2 hours before I even noticed.
But there are blessings too! I did not rush out to work this way, infact til this moment no one but me knew about my fashion faux pas....and come on...you know you've done it before...maybe not with shoes....but you've regressed back to age 5 when dressing was hit or miss. Remember those days...and no matter how unmatching or disheveled you were...Mom was so proud! Don't think she will be singin' my praises today...maybe laughing her head off...or calling the white coats.
I went to my friends house one afternoon, to find her wearing her tee shirt inside out. One can only assume it had been that way all day. When I brought it to her attention...she kinda did a double take...then sputtered that she already knew that. She so didn't...but I was not arguing with this potentially unstable person who KNEW her shirt was inside out....and LEFT it that way.Uh uh I so wasn't going there!
Now the only problem with starting your day ...on the wrong shoe...is sometimes it just snowballs from there. I have alot of those days where I drop or spill everything I pick up...so I know better than to hold anybody's baby or priceless china...but on a wrong shoe day...what's next....zipper down (excuse me just a minute......check!), jacket inside out...socks not matching...skirt tucked into the underwear (it happens!).
Please God...remind me to double check EVERYTHING before I leave the house, I always do try to put my best foot forward....and I will today too...even if it's in the wrong shoe.
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