Saturday, September 16, 2006

Six Sense...s

We opened our guild for another season this week. It felt good.
Many of the girls, I had not seen since June...and a few, even longer ago than that. I betcha no less than five people said to me throughout the night.." I'm so glad you haven't lost your sense of humour"
Lost it? By Gawd I cling to it, it's the only sense I got left.
Oh I're could someone have lost all their senses? Frankly, I didn't feel them leaving me, but at defining moments in my life....I knew they were gone.
Sense God Gave A Goose
You're 16 and you thought it would be cool to hitch a ride in the back of a half ton, only to have the driver gun the motor, spilling you and your equally bright best buddy onto the pavement. Well, maybe she's brighter...she doesn't land on her face, you do. Enter frantic Mother who first seeks the doctors assurance that you'll live, then breaks it to you...hard and fast...."you haven't got the sense God gave a goose." I think this is the first of my senses to go.
Common Sense
Apparently it is this sense that tells you, you must cook the pasta in a pasta salad (see previous blog), and an oven mitt left in the oven...will catch fire....and when you oil a frying's not with WD-40. And when you inquire about these things....first ya get the look...then you hear it..."Common sense tells you...blah blah blah". I swear it never tells me anything! I am definitely sure it's long gone.
Spidy Sense
Thinking back...I must have lost this one just before I lost the sense God gave a goose. My spidy sense did not tingle one bit before I hit the pavement. And recently, just to remind me it must be long gone, I do not recall even a slight spidy sense twinge before the guy mowing the back yard hit a rock, which naturally ricocheted off the house , and hit me in the head while I was bent over pruning flowers in the front yard. Not a single tingle!
Fashion Sense
You shower, blow dry your hair into it's high fashion style, meticulously apply the pound of make-up and step your pretty self into that stunning new outfit (okay teeshirt and jeans). Give yerself a little look in the mirror while muttering..."damn I look good"...and off you go...ready to make an entrance they'll talk about for years to come. In you strut, confident and lookin' hot (in your own mind at least), and the first person you meet, gleefully greets you and reaches out to remove the size sticker stuck to your left boob. At that very moment, you know two things for certain....The S on the size sticker doesn't stand for stands for stupid and ain't got no fashion sense!
Sense Of Adventure
It was this very sense that led to the loss of the sense God gave a goose and got me in trouble with ...with everybody as a teenager. It is the sense I eventually learned would get me into hot water every time I felt it....when someone says "Where's your sense of adventure"...I run...and you should too! I did not lose this sense....I got rid of it.
I am hoping, one day, I will eventually come to my sense, but til then, it's gonna be just me and my sense of humor.


Blogger Margaret McDonald said...

I will have to remember to tell people that is a side effect of prednisone

6:50 p.m.  

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