Bowler Hip

The thought of incurring a sports injury while bowling just hadn't occurred to me. In fact, calling bowling a sport is laughable to some, and thinking you could possibly suffer an injury rolling a ball down a lane ...side-splitting!
I have a new respect!
And it's located in my left hip...and in the left hips of all my co-workers who bravely took up the bowling challenge Sunday night. We are all paying for our sins today. We surely should of read the pre-bowling warm-up handbook, if there is such a thing...and there should be.
I went in blindly...but well dressed. My major concern...that there might be a ball "accident" know the headline...."wayward ball takes out bowler in the third frame"....that kind of thing. No one told me about the hip. I was not hip on the hips! And judging from the groans and limping yesterday, I was not alone. Misery loves company and so does Bowler's Hip apparently.
We had a blast tho, sad as we were. It was not the match any serious bowler would want their name attached to as surely it was pityful by their standards. I don't think the bowling world has anything to fear from the quilting world...not yet anyway. We even seemed to have the power to make the one good bowler go bad...a blessing for the rest of us as it leveled the playing field. None of us had the guts to watch the three year old in the next lane throw his ball...knowing he might knock over more pins than we had would have sent the lot of us back to the bar for another cup of wine (not sayin' that wouldn'ta helped) and severely deflated our fledgling bowling egos....somethings are just best unknown. We chose to remain sequestered in our own little bowling world...where we were equally our own minds.
We slipped over to a local bar/restaurant after our game, not to cry in our beer as you might suspect, but to revel in our own company and express our desire to do this again...and seriously we should, not only to redeem ourselves in the bowling world, but man, I don't think you could find a better source of entertainment on a Sunday night! Good fun, good food, cold drinks....and a possible future husband for one bowlers daughter...bonus!
Did I mention we got piped (literally) out of the Whistling Weasle? I choose to believe being piped out is NOT the same as being thrown can believe what you want!
I had toyed with the idea of "outing" the team (much to their dismay) right here on the net...with a team photo, but will leave that for our proud leader to do...and since I checked the store website....under knowledgeable, professionally trained staff and instructors and found nary a photo....maybe she thinks the quilting world isn't quite ready yet to see what happens when quilters go bowling...she might have a point there!
And besides, I can't outrun anybody today...I got Bowler Hip
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