No...It's Not A Bad Dream...It's Christmas!

Okay...incase I am hunted down and 'offed' in some miserable messy fashion ( I like fashion!), f0r outing everybody in this photo....just let me say I have enjoyed my short life as a blogger....despite the fact I have done so little of it lately ( I am recovering from a re-injured back...which, might I add was re-injured while performing yet another selfless deed for my family....this time ironing...making me absolutely sure this is God's way of telling me I am just not cut out for domestic duties...and should give them up completely....and frankly...who am I to argue).
Any way, You might be thinkin' this is a group shot, taken just before we were handed our day passes from the local psych ward ....and there might perhaps be some merit to that conclusion....but you would indeed be so wrong!
This charming little group... are the girls of JHS. The knowledgeable, professionally trained staff and instructors part of the company. But I bet you could tell that by the I mean uniforms. And honesty...who else could pull off fashion like this if not the knowledgeable, professionally trained girls of JHS! Santa and his shrimpy little elves got nothin' on us.
And I know...we make it look so easy to look this good...but you should know we spent a considerable amount of time producing this fine fine example of Christmas spirit. Sure you can argue, since there is just slightly more than three weeks left til Christmas, that it might have been time better spent shopping for the perfect gifts for our dearly loved ones, and oh of course I could very well have gotten my Secret Sister gift sewn in the time it took to add that life-like-surely-it's-honest-ta-gawd-polar-bear fur to my once tasteful skirt...and surely another of us could have gotten herself to bed before midnight if not in earnest pursuit of the most perfect perfect furball earrings and damned sure I would not have gotten that email about glue guns and long fur.... filled with language that would bring a sailor to his knees. And we would NOT have had to threaten to hold somebody down and glue gun fur to their body!
But we all sacrifice... because we are the knowledgeable, professionally trained staff and instructors of JHS.
And if you were not so fortunate enough to have taken your place in our classroom and store this to be you! You missed out on a great week, a great group and a whole lot of quilting....not to mention the gourmet food and beverages. The wonderful group we did have got a serious jump on their Christmas gifts....and left lookin' mighty fashionable themselves I might add...because we do like to share the wealth....of knowledge, professionalism, and (dime store treasures) tasteful holiday attire.
And seriously...would it not have been worth the drive....just to see these outfits!!!
You'll have to wait a whole year to see this again...unless of course we are picked up by the (Down Trodden)Rockettes ...or Santa decides it's time he got some REAL elves!
Just never know!!
you look lovely, honest!!
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