Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Tomorrow, we start set up for the Creative Sewing and Needlework Festival in Toronto.... now known as the Creativ (yes there's no E) Festival (who in Gawds name thought that was a better title...I don't know) .
Anyway, M and I are going down to assist with all the set up that needs to go on before the doors fly open to the public on Thursday. We decided to go by train, and I have never gone to the festival by train before, always by car...so tomorrow, I have to trust M to get us from Union Station to the convention center.
If only you knew what a leap of faith that will be for me.
See M has this little problem with direction. Actually, it's a little problem.....like being in quick sand to your neck ...would be alittle problem. I can honestly say, sadly, I have never met anyone EVER who was as hopeless with direction as she is.
When I first met her...we'd go out shopping or to a quilt show or something like that...always very local...nowhere off the beaten track...places you think someone who's lived here twenty odd years should know how to get to. But inevitably, we'd always seem to end up in the back of some factory somewhere...kid you not. After the first couple of times...I finally clued in...this chick has a serious problem with direction. I used to tell our American quilting friends how bad she was.... I refered to them as our Factory Tours....and we'd have a great laugh at M's expense...but then they'd say...."Oh Nad...leave her alone...she can't be that bad."
Seeing is believing I alway say!
She showed 'em. On their last visit here, they allowed her to navigate ....I beg them not to do it and my pleas were totally dismissed...so I sat back and watched it happen. Alls I'm gonna say about it is our twenty minute drive lasted nearly two hours...and honey...we seen parts of Ontario that have yet to be discovered by man. At one point M points out the CN tower and convinces the others that ...see we are close to home..there's the tower. Never mind that she can't actually SEE the tower from her house...she thinks it's in her hood! We ended up cutting through a farmers field when the road we were on stopped...ended...in the middle of some Gawd-forsaken nowhere.
So ya get the picture.
I asked her if she knew the way from the station to the convention center....for real. No problem she says...ya just go out side and catch the Needlework Festival Shuttle bus...takes ya right there. So do you suppose the Needlework Shuttle bus runs...before the festival even opens...or should I count on a 36 hour wait at the bus stop...I want to dress appropriately? Hmmmm?
She is sure she can get us there....me not so much! I have taken adequate precautions and packed a hearty lunch and plenty of water, charged the cell phone and have 911 on speed dial....checked the map myself and KNOW where I'm going....but it will be very interesting to see where the hell we end up if I decide to follow her tomorrow. I might just 'play' with her alittle ...just to see!
So if you're going to the needleworks show, we'll be there on Thursday when it opens and again on Sunday, check for us at Joyce's booth....if we're not there....well you'll know things didn't go so good...and maybe you could send someone to look for us...check around the tower first....like I said...she got a thing about the tower!


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