Be Careful What You Wish For!

M and I have this running gag going. When one of us finds something really our very humble opinions anyway...on the net.....we email to the other...with the title..."Made Ya Sumpthin"
Most of the time, it's out and out dueling and I gotta admit...I have been to places on the net I could never tell my Mother about (Scroll Mom scroll!), in search of weird get-ups to threaten her with.....and let me tell you....nope...never mind, I'm still scarred from what I seen...I can't share.
Most things, however, fall under the category of just plain hilariously hideous. Like the hot little number in the picture. I found this and emailed it to M. She wrote back gushing about how long she'd been looking for just this bag, how she soooo wished she had one... and if she got something like this ...she could now die a happy woman. I aim to please!
Someone call the undertaker!
I made it for her.
Took some effort too...and not just on my part, it required quite a sacrifice on Beige Man's part. I went to Goodwill and found the perfect purse, which sadly was a much nicer, more expensive purse than I'd personally ever owned, but I fought the urge to keep it...fought it hard and slapped a coat of orange paint on it.....thinking all the while...what kind of an idiot would have thrown away such an expensive purse....when I should have been thinking....what kind of idiot would slap orange paint on such an expensive purse...laughing this sick laugh the whole while. Oh ya.... there are days when even I wonder if I'm right in the head.
It took several coats of paint and a couple more of clear coat. I wrapped the gorgeous leather handles in checkered fabric,little bows on each side and moved on to tackle the lettering. I needed 7 orange bottle caps...and after racking my brain...I knew the answer lay in the local Beer Store. I made the Beige Man go buy beer...with orange caps. I am nothing if not resourceful...and him...a tight @$$#@ Scot nothing if not cheap...I mean unwilling to waste things. He could not bare to see me empty the bottles down the he volunteered to drink them...take one for the team. Being the kind soul I am...I gave him a couple of days to do it.
So I get my letters done and am so totally pleased with the is exactly like the picture. I wrap it all up and ready for her birthday.
She was SO pleased to get it! I could tell from the names she called me!
She promised to use it...and I promised to be busy everytime she went to the mall with it.....not that I'd find it at all embarrassing to be in her company...hell no...that's not it at all...really! She is the type of girl who could carry off a purse like that...what with the mumbling and all, they'd know she was just out on a pass.
And wouldn't ya just know we are in Pumpkin Purse season again! I'm just sayin'... if you do happen to see her at the mall... alone with her purse.....approach with caution... she swings a mean pumpkin.
If she's a very good girl this year...Santa might just find her a matching hat
It is a gorgeous purse!! ;)
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