I Got The Music In Me

I LOVE my MP3 thingie!
I was really timid about having one in the beginning. I figured it would just be another piece of technology that would only make me swear. Technology has that effect on me, in fact, I can go from a polite litte quilter to a foul mouthed sailor in about three seconds flat.
But I do love music... and love it enough to finally bite the bullet and learn to operate the MP3 thingie. It's a hand-me-down from The Boy. Seem all my techno advances, while new and exciting for me, are yesterdays new to The Boy. Works for me tho.
Prior to the MP3 thingie, I inherited the last latest musical advancement....the portable disc player...that I think is really called a discman??? A walkman that plays discs...makes perfect sense to me. I was very happy with my discman. I solved the portability problem (you just can't get a discman in your pocket, no matter who hard you try!), by making this little pouch to put it in (I'm a sewer ya know!), and a tie to attach it to my belt. Tres chic! Okay...maybe not so chic...but highly functional...plugged in and on the move...that's me.
The supreme embarrassment to my son...that's also me.
Not bad enough that your mother's a dorks...now your mothers a dork with a pouch. His fear that I might actually leave the house with the it...or Gawd forbid, his friends might drop in while I was blissfully groovin' around the house with my ear buds in and my pouch fully engaged...if word got out...he'd have to move....far far away.
So he hands-me-down the MP3 thingie. And I LOVE it! I put it on every morning with the socks and underware...and there it sits, mostly unnoticed, tunes at the ready, all day, everyday....heaven!
I have all different sorts of music....for whatever mood I'm in. I can drowned out just about anybody when I want to...earbuds in...rest of the world out. It drowns out the all sports channel in the car, the Beige Man ranting, The Boy whining....even M when she's a cranky pants. It makes the house work go quicker and is as good as a bottle of wine (well almost) to relax me after a long day. But I love it most in my sewing room!
That's where my inner rock star really comes out!
Oh stop it...you know you got one too!
In real life...I couldn't carry a note if it were strapped on my back, I have never mastered a musical instrument...not even the recorder in grade school. In the interest of mankind and all that is holy, I should never ever be allowed to sing in public, in fact, a restraining order would not be outta line...but in my sewing room.....
I'm Elton John, I'm U2, I'm James Blunt, I'm Madonna, I'm The Goo Goo Dolls...all of them. It is there that I just know that I can out sing any of them...that fame and fortune are just an agent away, that anyday....anyday now....I'm gonna be the latest hot discovery in the music world. And ..oh ya...I got the moves to go with the voice (no I am not spastic....and no I have never had a siezure disorder...duh!) ....I'm the total package baby!
And they all been warned.
Everybody's been told....what they might hear or see in that room....could be disturbing....and if they ignore the caution sign and police tape.....well...don't be showing up at the door with that pained...someone just slapped me look on yer face....if ya can't stand the rock world....back away...back far away.
One day, in the far and distant future...or that should be your hope anyway....maybe I'll take the show on the road. I've been thinkin if this bowling thing keeps crippling us all, maybe drunkin' karaoke would be a good option...but I'm alittle unsure if there is enough alcohol in the world to make me sound good.
Guess it all depends on who's drinkin' it.
For now...you're safe....I am content to just listen...and if there is a God...that's the way it should stay.
The quilt...my entry into the Music Challenge....and it won. The song...I'm About To Come Alive
Don't be scared!
you go girl!
Hubby won one of those eyepod or iseed things & I talked him into giving it to me. even has the funky device to cut off the blood flow in an arm when jogging!! ya right. haven't run in years!
so is there a mp1 for dummies? help
could I join your band? I have a wooden spoon that make a great mike.
for my girls birthdays they asked that I only mouth the words to Happy Birthday - I was lipsyncing before britney heard of mickey mouse!!
does M get cranky?? say it isn't so!
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