Stoney Lake ...The Trilogy....Part Two

By early afternoon on the Thursday...we had already welcomed almost all of our retreaters...I don't even know if that is a real word....but it's my blog...and I can call them what I want....right? was nice to meet them all...a few I knew ...couple of more, I had seen in the store but never actually met...and some were total strangers. I would consider them all friends by the end of the weekend...they were such a nice group. They got right to work once they had settled and set up...M even managed to wrangle a handful of helpless victims....I mean willing participants to learn h-h-handpiecing. I stand firm that it is a dying art...and for good reason....and do you really think your great great gramma would've done it either if she had the fancy sewing machines we have today? I don't think so! They were brave participants...and I admire them for taking in on....I'm just totally jealous....and not near crazy enough to do it...there I said it.
We sewed the afternoon away and took a break for supper....on the heated deck. The food here was amazing. Not something Weight Watchers would endorse fer darn sure...but heck...this was a retreat...a vacation...diets were left back in the real world. Little Miss Luggage was the only one to redeem herself after all the indulgence...she went walking every morning...or so she said...there were no witnesses and after her claim that she made it almost to the highway...we found her car parked very very oddly....I'm just sayin'.
Thursday night we started the ladies on a project we would use in a contest the Saturday night...and as a commemorative to their time at the lake. It was called Not Just a Pretty Face and involved us tracing their profile onto paper and having them fold it and cut it to make a vase.
Well almost became necessary to sedate a few of them (someone didn't have enough "refreshments" at supper!) to get them to hold still and stop laughing. M and I certainly had our work cut out for us there.....not to mention all the erasing and redrawing we had to do because we couldn't stop laughing. And....let's just say....there was an unspeakable amount of
scissor surgery performed at Stoney Lake that night. I'm not namein' names but you know who you are!!! Snow White did find probly the worst perpetrator....who cut herself into the perfect profile of the hand to God. What is even more interesting is how she managed to turn THAT back into the most perfect of facial profiles. Alls I can say is...if this sewing thing don't work out....the FBI need you!
We sent the ladies to bed around 10:30. Far be it from us to add to their dilinquency by keeping them up all night...not us! We were even silly enough to believe they all went to bed too....all seemed so quiet when we met for another "staff meeting". Rumors abound the next day....of card games and tequila....and I swear I heard the words "male stripper".....La la la la la....I couldn't bear to hear more (and by damn....if there was one....and you never sent him to our room....well...just see if I ever return the favour!).
What matters everyone returned safe and sound to the sewing table the next morning...all accounted search party necessary. They sewed all day...apart from our trips to the dinning room...but that was just to fortify themselves for some more serious sewing. Some worked away on their own thing, some continued with their vases and some took on some of the projects we offered. I just gotta say a big shout out to the Bag Ladies....who knocked those fluffy Snowflake girls outta the park...way ta go girls!
We took all the ladies out to a gift shop in a nearby is a Christmas store too...the whole upper level dedicated to that festive season....all conveniently located directly across the street from the liquor store. Not sayin any of our little Angels went over there....just saying what a happy accident to find it there ...and open. That's all.
The shop is owned by Mike and Bob...not the moosemen we were lookin for....more like.....well.....reindeer men...and that's all I am sayin about that...except that it was confirmed by one of them, that they did not have ya might think most princesses would....not my words....theirs! Just sayin'. Anyway...ya couldn't find nicer people....they were so kind to us....keeping their shop open for us...plying the women with wine and food (like they needed plying....OMG!) We had a great good in fact....certain somebodies were required to speed to get back to the Inn in order to make it for supper. The wine for dinner....coupled with the wine at the Christmas store....left some of our sewers alittle goofy....not gonna say what it did to some of the staff.....bad bad staff!
We were not so believin' when they all decided to call it a night...and go to bed....fool me once...and all that crap....this night just might call for a party patrol....can't have drinking quilters with rotary cutters running amok....not without us fer darn sure!
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