Stoney Lake...The Triogy...Final Chapter

On our last full day at the lake, I made this discovery...someone had been watching the whole time we were there...stealing glances from the window of a nearby cabin...seemingly please with what he saw, maybe wishing we would stay longer...just like we were!
We made the most of our last full day. The ladies were up and at it early, dispite the goings on the previous evening. While I can not break the code of the lake...I can only tell you my suspicions about the "early bedtime" were correct. Whilst quietly creeping to what would be our last "staff meeting"....we heard things. Many things...not the noises of sleeping people...uh uh!
But they all looked chipper in the morning... determined to get some serious sewing done that day...altho none were sewing seriously...there was lots of laughter and goofing off too...the stuff of good retreats! M and I had the morning off...but what better place to be then in the sewing room. I made bingo blocks...for the games we would play later...and she finished adding crystals to my new jeans...earning them the name Sexy pants...altho I assured everyone...I could take the sex outta sexy just by putting them on...wanton Sex Goddess I am not...that was back in The Day. Miss J went for her morning walk (still clinging to THAT story), and returned in time to yell at me before lunch. Let's just say, I definitely will never forget how to work her camera...and ain't it funny how wearing an Ipod impairs your hearing to the point where ...even tho you think you're speakin with your normal calm voice...YOU'RE YELLIN' LIKE AN OLE GUY.....and can't for the life of you figure out why everyone is staring at you with that really odd look on their face. I never do that....I'm a fully trained Ipodder.
We decided after supper...our Last Supper...we would break out the games. We used all the ladies face vases, gave them a number and hung them up. The ladies had to match the faces to the owners. Now if you recall me mentioning a little about the amount of scissor surgery that went can appreciate the degree of difficulty this presented. Some rose to the challenge...guessing the majority ...some...well ...some gave it their best...and one...well the fact she came to the retreat with two of her very own family...still only managed to get one right...her own. Gawd love er' we had to hand out a prize for that!
You shouldn't get too teary eyed over her disaster in the face game...turns out she was sitting at the Lucky Table. Had these four been sitting in Vegas...I am sure they'd of caused an investigation. They won every single game we played that night. No one could believe it...least of all them....I just wanted to rub them for good luck. If I were them...I'da got in the car and driven at break-neck the nearest Lottery booth (and there are so many of them...up the woods), for a handful of tickets. Guess where everyone will want to sit next retreat!
There was alot of complaining this eve...we had a serious problem. Seems some of the ladies were upset at the thought of having to drag home unopened 'refreshment'. The last thing we wanted was an upset we did what we had to do....being the dedicated girls that we are...we opened Margarita Ville....formerly known as room 202. And they came in droves...all those early to bed people...those good little quilters...there they were. M and I decided to break out the bling and come to the party lookin like the absolute hipsters that we are. I gotta say our glow in the dark accessories turned a few a good way...and we were more than happy to share the wealth with a glow in the dark stir stick for everyone. And boy did they need them...there was alot of stirring going the room..out on the name it. We laughed like fools...drank like fish and collectively solved the 'refreshments' problem. What a team! There'd be a few spinning beds this night you could bet...but what a blast.
My first thought when I got up the next that today it was back to the real wait...that was my second first was...could I make it to the bathroom just this once the dark without tripping over something? Thankfully, our bling was still glowing and the way was lit. Too cool.
I was surprised at the number of people already up and at it. Tough cookies these quilters were. We had a little time to sew...then to lunch, and a few moments for pictures. It will be so nice to have those as a reminder of a wonderful time. No one really wanted to leave. Why is it times like these fly by so quickly.
We began the pack up. Now for some reason...I stupidly thought we'd have less personal luggage on the way back home. You would think since we had taken care of any 'refreshments' and food we brought...there should be less to cram into the back of the car. Not so. I guess our 'Christmas shopping' items took care of that...and it was truly good luck that we had found so many volunteers to help rid us of the 'refreshments', otherwise someone would have been ridin' the roof all the way home!
Many of our retreaters stayed and helped us pack up the classroom...that was so cool. Many hands do make light work and we were set and waiting when Dwayne returned to pick up our stuff....he was thankful there was less for him to cram into the truck...we did not show him the car. I put on my new mitts (thanks E!) and ran out to take a few more photos around the property. It was then I had a brush with death.
A huge giant ....thing...maybe a sea otter (yes I know we're at a lake)... leapt out of the water about a foot away from me.....turned and hissed at me! I was sure I was about to be eaten right there on the spot ( maybe it was a baby...still a very dangerous wild animal...with a big hiss). We had a momentary stare down..and I decided to let him win. I ran like the chicken shit I am. So much for getting 'one' with nature.
Driving back to the real world, we decided the weekend had been a great success. Yes we had failed to find the elusive mooseman...this was true...but next time we will be even better prepared to find him...we got the outfits...and no mooseman will ever be able to resist those. Our lovely retreaters left happy and that was what it was all about. I so hope we can do this again.
Till then, you'll be happy to know, we're all dried out, rested up and back to normal. I made a skirt for a man this week...that is normal....isn't it?
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