It Would Be Funny If It Weren't So Sad!

You know how you always see those reports on the news or in the paper about all the different kinds of ‘studies' and inquiry’s going on in the world. They are usually done by supposedly highly educated professional and cost an gazillion dollars to complete…you know the kind I mean.
Well I read one the other day…no wait…I heard it on the new…and then…when I could not believe what I heard…I went and read about it.
It caught my eye because:
Well I read one the other day…no wait…I heard it on the new…and then…when I could not believe what I heard…I went and read about it.
It caught my eye because:
A. I work with fabric.
B. I have this Love Love / Hate thing with the sun.
You better sit….this is pretty earth shattering.
B. I have this Love Love / Hate thing with the sun.
You better sit….this is pretty earth shattering.
Dr. Stephan Lautenschlager, a dermatologist at Triemli Hospital in Zurich, Switzerland, and his colleagues concluded:
Tightly woven, thick garments made of darkly coloured denim, wool or polyester offered the best sun protection, while cotton, linen and acetate are much less effective.
You couldn’t tell by looking at the fabric?
This required a gazillion dollar study?
Why did they not save all that money…and just call the shop?
Even Mr. Computer Man, despite his little carpet/quilt faux pas could have cleared up this debate and saved the Swiss government untold thousands.
This didn’t need a gazillion dollars…it needed alittle common sense.
And so what now?
Did they study the effects of wearing tightly woven, thick, dark coloured wool in July? NO!
Is it preferable to die of heat stroke then an allergic reaction to the sun? NO…DEAD IS DEAD!
I don’t know why studies like this irk me so much!
But all was not lost…I did learn something!
Snow…you were so right…ya can’t fix stupid!
I guess the one good thing about it is… it didn’t cost us a cent to find out something we already knew, it was a gift from the Swiss…our government still has all our hard earned tax dollars… stashed away waiting for another prophetic study like this to come along. Maybe we can study the sex lives of wait...we did that one already.
Snow…you were so right…ya can’t fix stupid!
I guess the one good thing about it is… it didn’t cost us a cent to find out something we already knew, it was a gift from the Swiss…our government still has all our hard earned tax dollars… stashed away waiting for another prophetic study like this to come along. Maybe we can study the sex lives of wait...we did that one already.
Something will come me!
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