Wednesday, February 07, 2007

He's Forgiven

I got such a response from all my quilting friends about my last know the one where Mr. Computer Man called my precious little quilt....a carpet. Unforgiveable to some of them...unbelieveable to others....some suggested I should find someone else to teach me computer cuz if he didn't know a quilt from a good could he actually be at something so technical as computers. Quite an uproar indeedy. I explained that I was over it...had said my piece on the issue...and moved on. Few seemed to believe it.
Maybe now that you can see him...over there in his
MR. COMPUTER MAN.... cute satin jammies...bare chested and all....(if only you could see his ...never mind) you can understand finally why I got over it so quickly and dutifully returned to computer class. There are times when one must sacrifice their the name of higher education...of course.
And what if he doesn't know a carpet from a quilt, he is Mr. Computer Man...not Mr. Home Decorator. He has OTHER things that make up for his lack of knowledge in the quilt department...if you know what I mean!
And really...he does know his way around a computer....and I learned alot of things. While I have never made the faux pas of calling a mouse ...a rat, which in my mind would be the equivalent to calling a quilt a carpet, there are many parts of computing that I was indeed enlightened on.
I am not one to hold a grudge!
So all in all...let's just call it a mutual learning experiance.....I learned about virtual memory, cookies (not the baked kind), Vista and Adobe Pro.....and he learned... the difference between a quilt and a carpet.
What happens when you don't remove the lewd pictures you sneak-ed-ly put on someone elses removeable storeage device!
Smarty Pants.


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