Hells' Awaitin'

What will send you to hell faster?
A. Wearing a thong to a church.
B. Saying ‘shit’ in church.
M…I think you better get packed potty mouth!
I guess, logically, you could debate both sided of this issue, and be very committed to your stance on which might be more damning, but consider these facts before deciding.
No one knew about the thong.
Everyone heard you say shit.
‘nuff said?
Perhaps to play it safe, we should both stay completely away from Holy ground. At least till we’ve read the Ten Commandments on church etiquette…there must be a book on that right? You would think?
And for those of you who think M and I went there to be ‘saved’
You do know better than that …don’t you?
There is little hope for us, we know that.
We are still on what seems like a never-ending quest to find a home for our guild. Our homeless guild. Our very talented, yet homeless guild.
And lately, it’s been taking us to churches.
Maybe God is sending us a message?
He sure is teaching us how to handle rejection well. Altho, one might argue…it is not Him rejecting us…it’s His people.
We got people too.
One wears a thong…and the other says ‘shit’ in church.
I still think the fire’s gonna be alittle hotter under your ass M.
It’s much cooler in a thong.
A. Wearing a thong to a church.
B. Saying ‘shit’ in church.
M…I think you better get packed potty mouth!
I guess, logically, you could debate both sided of this issue, and be very committed to your stance on which might be more damning, but consider these facts before deciding.
No one knew about the thong.
Everyone heard you say shit.
‘nuff said?
Perhaps to play it safe, we should both stay completely away from Holy ground. At least till we’ve read the Ten Commandments on church etiquette…there must be a book on that right? You would think?
And for those of you who think M and I went there to be ‘saved’
You do know better than that …don’t you?
There is little hope for us, we know that.
We are still on what seems like a never-ending quest to find a home for our guild. Our homeless guild. Our very talented, yet homeless guild.
And lately, it’s been taking us to churches.
Maybe God is sending us a message?
He sure is teaching us how to handle rejection well. Altho, one might argue…it is not Him rejecting us…it’s His people.
We got people too.
One wears a thong…and the other says ‘shit’ in church.
I still think the fire’s gonna be alittle hotter under your ass M.
It’s much cooler in a thong.
I ain't letting you get away with this one... no way. Ok...on both of our defenses there is no mention of thongs, (even when though you were wearing a skirt!) OR saying shit... period.. at church or anywhere else for that matter. So I am thinking we are both safe on those. But I would have to questions #9 with you dear Nad. Now technically I am not your 'neighbor' by today's standards, but way back then, if you lived in the same town with someone, you where their neighbor. So stop bearing that false witness stuff against me, K? Yes, I do admit I said 'shit' in church, but we were sitting a room by ourselves and no one heard me!
Since we are on the subject of commandments, my fav has always been #10, especially the ox and donkey part.
'You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.'
ok... now I feel the fire getting a little warm under my ass, but if you laughed... or even smiled like I did when you read that, you should be feeling it too.
So let me get this straight.I probly not going to hell for wearing a thong...but I can't covet my neighbours donkey...hmmm. So what if he isn't my neighbour...say lives in another city...or village...can I covet his ass...I mean donkey?
I am so not clear on my commandments jeese!
And...oh ya M....God heard you!
No..don't think He heard me ...He was too busy shaking his head at the thong in church idea!
Besides we are such good people we will be forgiven.. ya ya ya fer sure! snort!
Maybe we should check out those bible classes Pastor J was talking about to brush up on what and what not to covet?
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