There's Gotta Be A Help Line?

Hi, my name is Nad
And I’m a Cotton Ginny-aholic.
I need an intervention.
There….I said it.
I have no where left to hang them. I can’t shut the dresser drawers, and there are no hangers the whole entire house.
And still I buy more.
Did I really need to have 15 new pairs of ankle socks?
Ah…. yes! I must….and really...if you could see the pretty colours would agree a girls’ gotta have those!
So...they don’t really count….right?
Same with the bras. I needed one...somehow 5 of them ...just got in my bag???? Those ARE necessities tho….with my large breasts, can’t have those puppies swingin’ around and hurtin’ someone!
And besides...they weren’t from Cotton Ginny.
So...goes without sayin’...those don’t count. Right?
And shoes...they fall into that ‘don’t count’ area too. Gotta have shoes...most malls won’t even let you in if you’re not wearin’ shoes for Gawd sakes.
And I only bought one pair...really! Okay I bought slightly more than one pair...just s-l-i-g-h-t-l-y more... sheeesh!
And I only went to Cotton Ginny this weekend again cuz I had to exchange a pair of pants my Enabler bought me. I would never EVER have thought to go there on my own ...even if that skirt I left behind last week ...haunted me ...I was workin’ it out of my system...til the little pants exchange HAD to happen.
So it isn’t my fault I went there, and exchanged the pants, and bought two more skirts and three more shirts. Shhh Shhh Shhh!!!
I know I didn’t need them.
I couldn’t help myself. I’m addicted remember.
A Cotton Ginny whore.
And the fact that I brought them home and hid them amongst the already too many clothes I have bought for summer...proves it.
And we’re not gonna talk about the bike clothes or blue jeans
I need to stop.
No I don’t need at least two shirts for every pair of pants or vice versa.
No I don’t need to buy the same skirt in every colour it came in.
No I don’t need to buy one of every style of capris they have in the store.
And no...I do not need more then the 17 blazer type jackets I already have crammed in there! No. No. No!
If you are a friend...or a loved one…’s time for some tough love!
If I ask you to take me to the mall...say no!
If I ask you to pick something up for me...say no!
If I complain I have nothing to wear… hit me...hard!
If I tell you I am going to the mall ...but I will not go in Cotton Ginny….I’m lyin’
If I tell you I am just going to pick up a birthday gift for so and so...again...lyin’
If I suggest it as a must see attraction and offer myself up as tour the nearest addiction center and have me committed.
And frankly, the stress of having to find a spot for all I have bought is beginning to wear me down. I am thinking I need to refocus and find better things to spend all that money on…
Like booze and illicit drugs.
So...goes without sayin’...those don’t count. Right?
And shoes...they fall into that ‘don’t count’ area too. Gotta have shoes...most malls won’t even let you in if you’re not wearin’ shoes for Gawd sakes.
And I only bought one pair...really! Okay I bought slightly more than one pair...just s-l-i-g-h-t-l-y more... sheeesh!
And I only went to Cotton Ginny this weekend again cuz I had to exchange a pair of pants my Enabler bought me. I would never EVER have thought to go there on my own ...even if that skirt I left behind last week ...haunted me ...I was workin’ it out of my system...til the little pants exchange HAD to happen.
So it isn’t my fault I went there, and exchanged the pants, and bought two more skirts and three more shirts. Shhh Shhh Shhh!!!
I know I didn’t need them.
I couldn’t help myself. I’m addicted remember.
A Cotton Ginny whore.
And the fact that I brought them home and hid them amongst the already too many clothes I have bought for summer...proves it.
And we’re not gonna talk about the bike clothes or blue jeans
I need to stop.
No I don’t need at least two shirts for every pair of pants or vice versa.
No I don’t need to buy the same skirt in every colour it came in.
No I don’t need to buy one of every style of capris they have in the store.
And no...I do not need more then the 17 blazer type jackets I already have crammed in there! No. No. No!
If you are a friend...or a loved one…’s time for some tough love!
If I ask you to take me to the mall...say no!
If I ask you to pick something up for me...say no!
If I complain I have nothing to wear… hit me...hard!
If I tell you I am going to the mall ...but I will not go in Cotton Ginny….I’m lyin’
If I tell you I am just going to pick up a birthday gift for so and so...again...lyin’
If I suggest it as a must see attraction and offer myself up as tour the nearest addiction center and have me committed.
And frankly, the stress of having to find a spot for all I have bought is beginning to wear me down. I am thinking I need to refocus and find better things to spend all that money on…
Like booze and illicit drugs.
Well Nad, glad to hear that I am not alone in this addiction. When you find a cure let's go shopping and see if it works. Thank heavens those thongs stack nicely in your drawers, and by the way, they don't count at all!!!
Ok you guys.. smarten up! Now don't get me wrong.. I envy the two of you... and have been known to go clothes shopping on occasion myself sometimes BUT you guys have enough clothes to dress everyone in a small town! OK.. how about this? If you MUST go clothes shopping... I am a size 16 in
Cotton Ginny land! Problem solved! You don't have to find a place to hang the stuff. I can do that for you!
ya ya ya
See if everything was as easy to put away as a closet wouldn't be ready to implode...and there'd be no visible evidence of my's just all that other stuff I have to go WITH the thongs that gives me grief!
I do like your idea M...altho I am already for her and two for for her...three for won't's gotta be cold turkey...or a nudist colony...and that's just cruel.
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