Never an Idle Mind!
What was she thinking?

What was she thinking?

When she turned down the offer to ‘Pat the Puppy?
A. Jeese….wonder what kind of dog that is? …..ah NO!
B. Ah, what a friendly man, too bad there aren’t more like him in the world!......ah….NO!
C. Wow…I have seen puppies fit into purses…but hey…how cool he fits right in your pants!....ah….NO!
D. One step closer you ASS and I am going to behead your puppy…and hey..if he is that damned fascinating…put him in the circus…creep!....BINGO!
What was she thinking?

When she decided she needed an elliptical …thingie and a bike.
A. Oh hell ya….I’m gonna be TOTALLY fit all ‘round…total body workout….Ah NO!
B. Everyone in the whole entire house is gonna be clamoring to get into shape…ah NO!
C. Oh look…they’ll match the furniture perfectly!....ah NO
D. K…the bike…I get…but WTF is that other thing…can you get brain damage falling from that height?.....ah BINGO!
What was she thinking?

When she bought these sneakers…oops s’cuse me runners?
A. Hmm…these are definitely THE MOST beautiful shoes EVER made…..ah…NO!
B. Wow…they are soooo cheap….why not?....ah…NO!
C. Yes…yes…they will make me very visible on my bike…in a good way right?...ah…NO
D. Okay okay…put the damn shoes in a bag…If you say they are exactly what I need…you win…just don’t tell anyone there worth almost 200 bucks…they will think I am INSANE!.....BINGO!
What was she thinking?

When she agreed to allow this animal into the house?
A. Oh…it’s just a little kitten…how can it be any BOTHER? ….ah….NO!
B. He won’t be my responsibility at all…The Boy will take total care of it fully!…..ah NO!
C. The more the merrier…lets get another dog too while we’re at it! ….ah NO!
D. Goddammit…I am INSANE!....BINGO!
Alive…but insane….and missing my blog like crazy.

When she bought all these clothes?
A. Well shit…I can’t go naked in the fall now can I?....ah NO!
B. I might as well get all I can carry in one trip…cuz I’m NOT going shopping again til next week….I mean January…ya that’s it…January….ah NO!
C. You know darn well they only get in one or maybe two of your size… do I really want to take the chance they’ll be here in January?....ah NO!
D.What in the name of GAWD am I going to do with these things when I get them home…the closet is already on the verge of imploding! Too many enablers..too little space!…..BINGO!
A. Well shit…I can’t go naked in the fall now can I?....ah NO!
B. I might as well get all I can carry in one trip…cuz I’m NOT going shopping again til next week….I mean January…ya that’s it…January….ah NO!
C. You know darn well they only get in one or maybe two of your size… do I really want to take the chance they’ll be here in January?....ah NO!
D.What in the name of GAWD am I going to do with these things when I get them home…the closet is already on the verge of imploding! Too many enablers..too little space!…..BINGO!
What was she thinking?
When she agreed to turn this into this
into this
A. Phhh…PIECE O' CAKE!...ah…NO!
B. So maybe I can’t cook…I clean up …real good!....ah…NO!
C. It really isn’t so bad…how long can it take?.....ah…NO!
D. OMG!…you want me to do what? Do I look like Cinderfuckinrella?.....BINGO!
What was she thinking?

A. Phhh…PIECE O' CAKE!...ah…NO!
B. So maybe I can’t cook…I clean up …real good!....ah…NO!
C. It really isn’t so bad…how long can it take?.....ah…NO!
D. OMG!…you want me to do what? Do I look like Cinderfuckinrella?.....BINGO!
What was she thinking?

When she turned down the offer to ‘Pat the Puppy?
A. Jeese….wonder what kind of dog that is? …..ah NO!
B. Ah, what a friendly man, too bad there aren’t more like him in the world!......ah….NO!
C. Wow…I have seen puppies fit into purses…but hey…how cool he fits right in your pants!....ah….NO!
D. One step closer you ASS and I am going to behead your puppy…and hey..if he is that damned fascinating…put him in the circus…creep!....BINGO!
What was she thinking?

When she decided she needed an elliptical …thingie and a bike.
A. Oh hell ya….I’m gonna be TOTALLY fit all ‘round…total body workout….Ah NO!
B. Everyone in the whole entire house is gonna be clamoring to get into shape…ah NO!
C. Oh look…they’ll match the furniture perfectly!....ah NO
D. K…the bike…I get…but WTF is that other thing…can you get brain damage falling from that height?.....ah BINGO!
What was she thinking?

When she bought these sneakers…oops s’cuse me runners?
A. Hmm…these are definitely THE MOST beautiful shoes EVER made…..ah…NO!
B. Wow…they are soooo cheap….why not?....ah…NO!
C. Yes…yes…they will make me very visible on my bike…in a good way right?...ah…NO
D. Okay okay…put the damn shoes in a bag…If you say they are exactly what I need…you win…just don’t tell anyone there worth almost 200 bucks…they will think I am INSANE!.....BINGO!
What was she thinking?

When she agreed to allow this animal into the house?
A. Oh…it’s just a little kitten…how can it be any BOTHER? ….ah….NO!
B. He won’t be my responsibility at all…The Boy will take total care of it fully!…..ah NO!
C. The more the merrier…lets get another dog too while we’re at it! ….ah NO!
D. Goddammit…I am INSANE!....BINGO!
Alive…but insane….and missing my blog like crazy.